A shoe, a different range of NBA players wear clothing with different children

2008Each player now looks like the recent NBA will set a pair of feet to their tailor-made Air Max 2009 shoes in general, and made the NBA like a wave of people gathered in the same. ? Derrick Rose's red.

Because he is a member of the Bulls, the red is the best symbol of the Bulls with Jordan and Pippen then combined to make the team to achieve a double apex, the trend of the duo became the NBA, will fight with two red shoes like A big bull. ? Kevin Garnett.

black, and although he played for the Celtics representative color is green, but black shows KG more sedate side, the Celtics in the 80s and in 2008 won the championship with the Big Three , clover as a symbol of the team as "three" representatives of Boston, black shoes and is able to reflect the Three Musketeers, The moral of the black knight.

? Dwight Howard is a pair of white shoes, white represents the fantasy side of magic, whether it is the magic of 90's or today's Magic are fastidious about teamwork among the five, five is the embodiment of five-star, Five Star is the Magic an integral part. Although the game and you.

KG, DH, D-ROSE is not a small gap there, but you can have the same taste as they. Influx of people want to do, then this piece of equipment very appropriate!, ACO and Adidas signed a long-term contracts, ACO as Adidas the exclusive provider of sports Air Max 24-7 clothing. Recently, Adidas announced that they will be transferred to overseas operations, although the implementation of five-year contract has just half the time. The move will affect more than 100 ACO Perry factory jobs, but also may affect the local economy long.

Par nikeshoesmark le mardi 03 mai 2011


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